İlke Endüstriyel always provides you with advanced solutions in painting and drying furnaces with its structure following the latest researchs and Technologies.
The furnaces can be manufactured from different materials according to their type, geometrical structure and size. Furnace circulation fans, insulation thickness-materials, heat exchangers, exhaust fans and electrical equipments are selected according to the previously mentioned parameters.
The desired drying process with the air shower, air curtain or air knife is made efficient at the furnace inlet and outlet.
Box Furnace
In the panel mounting, 300C temperature resistant sealant is used to ensure air tightness between the two panels. The baking oven sends the dry hot air taken from the thermoblock cell into the furnace with the help of air ducts made of galvanized steel. The blower placed on the air duct at the top of the furnace provides homogenous heat distribution in the furnace by means of adjustable air nozzles. The furnace door will be sealed.